basel tourismus veranstaltungen

Landschaft, Aktivitäten, Angebote. Have a memorable stay! The Swiss city on the Rhine delights visitors with its wealth of cultural, relaxing and indulgent experiences, whether at one of the many museums, on a culinary discovery tour or at the heart of Basel's nightlife. This is partly because of the ships that arrive and depart here and set you thinking about the big wide world, but also because of the port’s industrial ambience, which has a special charm of its own. Not surprisingly, Basel’s old town contains nearly all the sights that are generally connected with Basel. As a former workers’ quarter, St. Johann has always been a place where a wide variety of cultures come together. Unsere Partner in der Region. Tickets für Konzerte, Theater & Veranstaltungen in Basel bekommen Sie bei! Here's a quick summary ». There are many reasons to love Basel and its people. Der Shopping Guide für Basel - Ausgabe 2018 / 2019. Basel ist der wichtigste Messeplatz der Schweiz. If you sit outside one of the district's cafés or restaurants, the background noises might even make you feel as if you’ve suddenly been transported to Africa. Tourismus-Infostellen. Anyone who moves around Basel’s various districts will soon find it to be a city of many faces. Sales Guide 2019/2020 Tickets für Konzerte, Theater & Veranstaltungen in Basel bekommen Sie bei! Fondation Beyeler | 10.10.2020 - 28.03.2021, Kunstmuseum Basel | 05.09.2020 - 24.01.2021, +41 61 268 68 68 Basel Swimming in the Rhine through the historic old town Thousands of people cool off by leaping into the refreshing water during the warmer months of the year. And yet this district offers much more: world-class museums, shopping delights for individualists of every kind, traditional pubs and new favourites, and a spot – the St. Alban-Tal, also known as the “Little Venice” of Basel – that melts the heart of every romantic. Alle Veranstaltungen; Bedeutender Messestandort. Basel’s southern districts are notable for its diversity: discover magnificent villas in the Bruderholz quarter, the “Gundeli” (Gundeldingen), a melting pot of cultures, and the gritty industrial charm of Dreispitz – one of Basel's fastest-developing districts. The town is also a cultural hotspot as the home of the famous Fondation Beyeler. Einkaufen auf den Bauernhof. Aktuelles zu Ausstellungen, Brauchtum, Konzerten, Festivals, Theater, Kinder & Familien, Kunst, Kultur und vieles mehr. Brauchen Sie eine Auszeit von Ihren eigenen vier Wänden? Aussenstellen von Baselland Tourismus. Mit einer lebendigen Festival- und Kulturszene, internationalen Sportanlässen und wichtigen (Welt-)Messen ist Basel ein Veranstaltungsort von nationaler und internationaler Bedeutung. Mit Basel Tourismus steht Ihnen ein professioneller Partner für die Organisation Ihres Anlasses zur Verfügung. The western part of Basel is very popular as a residential area. ... Berichte über Baselland Tourismus. But the reason why so many visitors also end up here is because it’s home to Basel Zoo. The award was no coincidence: Riehen attracts attention with its large amount of green space and a very attractive city centre. +41 61 268 68 68 Aktuelles zu Ausstellungen, Brauchtum, Konzerten, Festivals, Theater, Kinder & Familien, Kunst, Kultur und vieles mehr. Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über alle Events, damit Sie wissen, was wann los ist, und entsprechend planen können. Weitere Informationen Bestellen Sie Ihre Live Events in Basel online. What used to be referred to disparagingly as “das mindere Basel” (“Basel minor”) is today a very popular district. Jedes Jahr im September mit mehr als 100 Genuss-Veranstaltungen. Fasnacht in Basel. Veranstaltungen mit maximal 50 Personen sowie sportliche und kulturelle Aktivitäten mit bis zu 15 Personen sind unter Auflagen möglich. Insider-Tipps aus Basel: Top Events, Gewinnspiele & Spezialangebote. Das … ... Save the Basel Tattoo Heute, 25. Mit mehr als 140’000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche zählt die Messe Schweiz in Basel sogar zu den bedeutendsten Messe- und Kongresszentren Europas. Where cosmopolitan hustle and bustle blend with relaxed conviviality and urban style meets tradition: discover the Basel way of life. Christmas shopping in Basel will be especially delightful this year: book an overnight stay in a Basel hotel and we will give you shopping vouchers worth CHF 50 per person. Aktuelle Veranstaltungen & Events in Basel: Sport, Kultur, Märkte & vieles mehr Termine Anfahrt Tickets Locations für Veranstaltungen in Basel & Region Let yourself be inspired by what awaits you in Basel’s diverse districts. [email protected]Kontakt, Terms of Use / Exclusion of Liability / Privacy Statement. Informieren Sie sich vor Ihrem Besuch im Veranstaltungskalender oder direkt beim jeweiligen Veranstalter. Not surprisingly, Basel’s old town contains nearly all the sights that are generally connected with Basel. Bestellen Sie Ihre Live Events in Basel online. A whiff of the sea: the port of Basel is more than just the place where three countries come together; here you can actually feel the wanderlust. This tradition has continued in recent years – thanks to the Novartis Campus, which is gradually developing into a “city in the city”. Die Ferienregion Basel-Land stellt sich vor. Learn more; Basel Home to 40 museums, the city of culture for connoisseurs has the highest concentration of museums in the country. [email protected]Kontakt. Basel Tourismus Weitere Informationen zu Gastronomie, Kultur, Veranstaltungen, aktuellen Highlights und vielem mehr finden sich auf der Webseite von Basel Tourismus . Kleinbasel is a good example of the way public perception can change. 40 museums within 37 km2: with this huge choice on offer, art lovers are sure to find what they are looking for. Veranstaltungen: Alle Veranstaltungen in Basel. And yet this district offers much more: world-class museums, shopping delights for individualists of every kind, traditional pubs and new favourites, and a spot – the St. Alban-Tal, also known as the “Little Venice” of Basel – that melts the heart of every romantic. Die Abteilung Guest Service verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung bei der Organisation von Veranstaltungen jeglicher Art. From idyllic residential neighbourhoods to picturesque alleys in the old town and to urban settings reminiscent of big cities like Hamburg or Berlin – you’ll find all these and much more. Insider tips from Basel: top events, competitions and special offers. Veranstaltungen: Alle Veranstaltungen in Basel. Learn more Partnerorganisationen. Hier geht's zu den Veranstaltungen. Riehen has already had the honour of being named the Swiss municipality with the highest quality of life.

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