Juni 2010 in Los Angeles; in Deutschland am 15.Juli 2010. Despite all this, she was also paranoid and easily intimidated by dangers, and would do anything to survive. Hair color She asked him to do her a favor: visit the Cullens and see if they were all still with Bella. In Twilight saga Victoria in a deleted scene from New Moon. Lefevre responded that she was "stunned" by the decision and "greatly saddened" not to continue her portrayal of Victoria, and never thought she would "lose the role over a 10 day overlap". Victoria sought him out months later. Her father is an English teacher, and her mother, a psychologist. Brilliant Orange Though the job was hard, it was at least stable. Shortly after that, the Volturi came to her coven and claimed that they had drawn too much attention from society and executed Hilda for the crime. She was also attracted to his tracking skills, which was like a mirror of her own. Created by Passing through Texas, she ran up against a territorial coven with a small force of newborns. They met in the field as James was getting the lay of the land. In the Twilight movie, she, James and Laurent feast on the people in Washington State, including one of Charlie Swan's close friends, Waylon Forge. This was worrying, but secondary to the fact that Victoria had crossed a fresh trail left by Bella. She never tried to avenge Anne's death, but her grief never faded over the centuries. Height She has also donated blood to the people of the Haiti earthquake. Female After coming across the Cullen family in Twilight, Victoria assisted James in finding information about Bella. She tracked Laurent down in Alaska and, feigning friendship, she gleaned all information he'd learned about the Cullens from the Denalis. She was a founding member of James's coven with the power of enhanced self-preservation, and James's mate and started a vendetta against Bella Swan in revenge for his death at Edward Cullen and the Cullens' hands. Victoria, however, managed to escape to Seattle. Redhead (by Jacob Black)Bloodsucker (by Jacob Black)Leech (by Jacob Black)Vic (by James) Rachelle Marie Lefevre (born February 1, 1979) appears in Twilight and New Moon as Victoria. That is why they often had more vampires in their coven. In James, she found someone who was honest in his intentions and confident in his abilities. It was at this time that Anne found her. While chasing Mary Alice Brandon's scent to an asylum, Victoria made James hesitate for a short second when they crossed another vampire's scent. She faithfully followed James in the hunt for Bella. She did this for a few reasons. After the Cullens returned to Forks, Riley and the newborns became her first priority: She created more and more of them, until Seattle was nearly overrun, but had managed to evade Alice's vision by hiding in the shadows and letting Riley select the members. Gender While in London, she became the target of the tracker James, and she tried to avoid him for years. Fred was also created during this period. She attempted to escape when Seth attacked Riley, drawing away her object of distraction, but Edward taunted her relationship to James, angering her to the point that she warred with her survival instincts. Changed She lied to him and said that she had been watching him for a while and had fallen in love with him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Victoria wanted to add more vampires to their coven. However, she kept on evading him when he got close to her. After thinking carefully about Alice and her gift, Victoria put Riley in charge of making all the decisions about the newborns' movements. Victoria was born in London, England, in the 1550s. However, once she learned about the history of newborn armies, she decided to avenge James. She wrote an impassioned letter to the director, explaining her desire to work with the filmmaker. In any situation that he was having trouble getting out of, she would help him escape. She suggested teaming up with other useful vampires for the sake of numbers. But the wolves were supposed to be nearly extinct, not traveling in large packs. Anne was more beautiful than ever, though she'd lost all the pink in her cheeks. She is also portrayed by Sophie Labell in The Groundskeeper segment. She participated in a promotional tour in November 2008, where she met and signed autographs for Twilight fans at Hot Topic stores in the U.S.. "It's the closest I will ever come in my life to being a rock star," she told The Canadian Press, describing an appearance on MuchMusic, where over 1,500 fans showed up in Toronto. However, he remained loyal and fought. Einer der ersten war Diego; Einer der letzten - dieser Per… Victoria sensed that the rest of them will be slaughtered whether they surrendered or not and screamed for them to run. Gender The Cullens were gone, and all she had to do was get past the wolves to kill her. Died In Eclipse, Edward angered Victoria enough to make her resist her survival instincts, but that brought her to her death when Edward ripped her body apart and burnt the pieces. Also, she was the one who said that they needed more than just the two of them in their coven. JamesJames's covenAnneHilda's coven She made no plans to use them for anything concrete and thought about them as little as possible. Lefevre did not attend the Los Angeles premiere of New Moon, tweeting that the event "was just 2 emotional 4 me & I couldn't manage it.". Since then, she had avoided all vampires. His change of decision allowed Victoria to lower her guard and let him catch up to her. Laurent called Victoria once to report that the Cullen house was empty and he would look around to see if Bella had gone with them. Victoria was born in London, England in the 1550s. Victoria perfected her ability to evade during her time here. Three years later, the pimp spotted her buying groceries in the streets and tried to follow her home, but she managed to escape. This proved useful when she had him steal things that contained Bella's scent to see if they could get past Alice. When James was killed, Victoria was a wreck. Green (human)Red (vampire)Black (when thirsty) She studied theater for two su… Enhanced self-preservation Female When Bella heard Victoria speak for the first time in Eclipse, she described her voice as 'belonging to blond curls and pink bubblegum', and can pass for a helpless girl to lure in a bait. Gallery. Rachelle Lefevre The master of the house mistreated them; he was not a kind man, quick to beat a servant for any perceived fault—and lecherous as well. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) umpires a game of baseball with the Cullens. The sisters eventually got jobs together, Anne as a lady's maid, and Victoria as a kitchen drudge. Due to this, she created Riley and the other newborns to befriend her. Lefevre (pronounced /ləˈfɛv/) was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her mother was a scullery maid and her father was the master of the house. While she has no spoken lines, her character is clearly the main antagonist in the film, directly or indirectly endangering Bella's life throughout the first 2/3 of the movie. As in the novel, Victoria was portrayed as fierce and beautiful, but while in the book she didn't speak, in the movie she had a few lines and at the end during Bella's prom she appeared to be planning a way to get revenge for her mate, James. Victoria (Twilight - New Moon) As of June 2009, she was dating Jamie Thomas King, an actor from the Showtime television series The Tudors. She loved his ruthless personality and vicious nature. During her audition, she jumped on a chair and hissed at director Catherine Hardwicke, assuring her of her scary cat abilities. She searched for information on Bella's life and told James that Bella's mother lived in Phoenix. She was the second illegitimate child, after her sister, Anne. She also wrote a letter to Hardwicke about how she bonded and had a relation to Victoria. For self-preservation, she would go through any measure she deemed necessary. Victoria and Anne worked hard as servants from early childhood. It did not take long before all the Cullens returned. The coven heard rumors about large vampire groups claiming areas in the Pacific Northwest, and James was so intrigued that he decided to check them out. Riley fought Seth while Victoria fought Edward; Edward tried to convince Riley that Victoria didn't love him. Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town, Destination Forks: The Real World of Twilight, Twilight in Volterra: Fantasy and Reality in Italy, https://twilightsaga.fandom.com/wiki/Rachelle_Lefevre?oldid=677941. Lefevre attended Centennial Academy, a private high school, and later studied creative arts at Dawson College. Alias She studied theater for two summers at the Walnut Hill School in Natick, Massachusetts, and began a degree in education and literature at McGill University. As James grew more ambitious in his games, she became more cautious. She realized it would only be a matter of time before he found her, but she wasn't sure if she could make a living in the country if she left her job. Familymembers She wasn't hit as often, and was content for most of the part. Victoria In Eclipse, she was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard. Victoria wanted to find more backup, but James did not want to waste time. Bryce Dallas Howard and Rachelle Lefevre both play Victoria. When Anne disappeared, Victoria was devastated by the loss of her only sister. After reading that the author used the word "feline" to describe her character's agility, Lefevre watched lion attacks on YouTube to separate the movements of her character from those of normal people. Born Laurent was a member of James's coven, but when James and Victoria went to hunt down Bella, he told the Cullens that he was sick of James's games. Eventually, she fell in love with his self-assurance. Over 2,500 fans showed up at a Wal-Mart in Salt Lake City, where Lefevre appeared to promote the DVD release of the film. James was Victoria's mate. She lost her only sister that day. They all ran in different directions, but only Victoria managed to escape their slaughter. At the same time, she hid herself from these new allies, aside from Riley. She moved at a feline pace with perfect, lethal steps, as of her agility. Abilities They were very close throughout their human lives as they both endured painful torments by their masters. Victoria was the main antagonist in New Moon and Eclipse. She caught his scent and thought that he would be anywhere Bella was. After Seth killed Riley, Victoria tried to escape again, but Edward caught her and immediately ripped her head off. He immediately returned those affections, though they were only real for him. Both sisters grew adept at disappearing whenever possible. After hearing about what she had endured during her absence, Anne made the decision to turn Victoria into a vampire to free her from a life of slavery and hardships, and introduced her to their coven. Basic vampire abilitiesLimited self-control At age 15, a scullery maid was fired and she took the opportunity to get the job. Victoria and Anne worked hard as servants from early childhood. Anne wanted to know if Victoria was happy and safe. She later sent Riley to get an article of Bella's clothing, her red blouse, to give her scent to the other newborns and get them into action, while testing the blind spots in Alice's vision at the same time. This ability worked by sensing when her life was in danger, how to evade an enemy's approach and where to run in order to get away. Heidi was immediately taken in by the Volturi, under the influence of Chelsea's power. Career Bryce Dallas Howard replaces Lefevre in the role for the third film, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse . In den ersten 6 Monaten nach James' Tod schuf Victoria 15 Neugeborene - und tötete ungefähr 4 Menschen für jeden, der als Vampir überlebte. Laurent joined their coven during one of these experiments, who was also attracted to James's power. The way he liked to live constantly put her into situations that, on her own, she would have avoided. Maid (human life)Leader of her army (vampire life) One of the first was Diego; one of the last—of this period—was Raoul. Born Anne was not satisfied by Victoria's predicament. Species Lefevre sold t-shirts and other merchandise signed by her fellow cast members from Twilight. In The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, she was also petulant and spoiled, but at the same time overly cautious to the point of paranoia and vindictiveness. He noticed her scent and immediately decided to hunt her down. 1550s; England She also launched an eBay auction for the charity School On Wheels in August 2009, which provides tutoring to homeless children in Southern California. 5'6" It felt safe to her, stable in an odd way. She is also seen dressed in a prom dress with make-up on, maliciously spying on Bella and Edward as they dance at prom at the end of the movie. Riley had hoped that Victoria would spare him, but meeting the Volturi made her paranoid and she wanted to move as fast as possible and then escape. Lefevre was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of Victoria for Eclipse. James had tracked a werewolf once, for the challenge of it. Twilight fans were scandalized on Tuesday night by the news that Summit Entertainment had replaced Rachelle Lefevre with Bryce Dallas Howard as evil vampire Victoria in the series’ third … As Laurent was passing through Forks, he came across Bella in the meadow and was about to kill her but was destroyed by Jacob Black and four other werewolves. Victoria would never be safe until she was stronger than those who would hurt or control her. It was a win-win for Victoria; if Edward was back in Forks, she assumed he would kill Laurent when he saw the connection to Victoria in his head. Gallery. Moments after the encounter, one of the members, Diego told Riley about what he had discovered about sunlight's effects on vampires. Pale Riley Biers was a pawn she had created to deceive him with devotion. Riley momentarily hesitated when Edward told him that Victoria only used him, but she persuaded him otherwise. Lefevre attended Centennial Academy, a private high school, and later studied creative arts at Dawson College. She warily accepted and they joined each other. Physical description Lefevre told Extra that she was "absolutely blown away" by support from fans, who also made her a tribute video on YouTube. About half of this first wave did not survive during Victoria's absence. She has three sisters and speaks both English and French; while her father's family is originally from France, Lefevre grew up mostly speaking English. In the Eclipse novella, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Victoria did not appear, but simply spoke in the shadows. Lefevre (pronounced /ləˈfɛv/) was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She eventually met him in a clearing that had a lot of escape routes, just in case. The studio responded in a counter-statement, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is an ensemble production that has to accommodate the schedules of numerous actors while respecting the established creative vision of the filmmaker and most importantly the story." He called her once to tell her that the Cullens' house smelt as if it hadn't been entered in a while. In the first 6 months after James's death, Victoria created 15 newborns—and killed roughly 4 humans to every one that survived as a vampire. Late 1560s Victoria's old ally and traitor: Laurent. Anne was quite pretty, with mahogany hair and a cream and rose complexion, and though the green-eyed, bright red-haired, and freckled Victoria had nice features as well, she was consider… While she was happier with James, her life was neither peaceful or easy. They danced for a thrilling while, woven in a deadly blur. Afterwards, he went and lived with the Denali coven and soon became Irina's mate. Lefevre spent hours working on costumes for her character, and described herself as "obsessed" with vampires after reading Bram Stoker's novel Dracula at the age of 14. However, her ability was based more on her gift of self-preservation than on fighting skills; according to Stephenie Meyer, "her feet were dragged to safe spots and places". In the books, Victoria was given no last name. Victoria made continuous feints into the area around Forks, gathering information and hoping that the Cullens would believe these fruitless attacks were all that she had up her sleeve. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Eclipse, Bella Swan figured out Victoria's plan and gave her realization to the Cullens, and subsequently the Uley pack. In the movie, Victoria finds Bella in the water and attempts to make a move on her, but Jacob drags Bella out before she could try. She has three sisters and speaks both English and French; while her father's family is originally from France, Lefevre grew up mostly speaking English. Twilight Saga Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. One night, the Volturi came to Victoria and Riley and gave her a five-day limit to fulfill her army's purpose, which explains why they made a decision to attack the Cullens when they did. Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town, Destination Forks: The Real World of Twilight, Twilight in Volterra: Fantasy and Reality in Italy, https://twilightsaga.fandom.com/wiki/Victoria?oldid=695008. In Casino Jack, Lefevre plays Emily Miller, a former press secretary for U.S. congressman Tom DeLay, who helped convict lobbyist Jack Abramoff (Kevin Spacey) in a political scandal involving Native American tribes. Overall though, Lefevre describes herself as delighted by the attention and excitement of the fans. She asked him to go back to Forks to see if Bella was still under the Cullens' protection. The situation was worse for Anne and nearly as bad for Victoria as the house they'd run from, but it was better than the streets. She is portrayed by Rachelle Lefevre in the first two movie adaptations and replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard in the third. As seen in Eclipse, Victoria was shown to be very manipulative and was willing to use others to achieve her own goals. Vampire Victoria manipulated Riley by telling him she loved him in order to get revenge on Bella and the Cullens, though she thought of him as nothing more than a pawn. In the films, her personality was described as calculating and sinister, though self-preservation was still her top priority. Victoria was shown to have a mysterious but elegant personality. Victoria was a very capable fighter, and Bella describes her as "lethal", since even Edward, who could read her mind and was an equal fighter to Jasper, couldn't finish her immediately. She was loosely copying what she'd seen with the Volturi guard, but waiting for her newborns to be old enough to train. Specialabilities He found her to be a passionate lover who would be by his side though any situation. Blue Then she made more vampires, feeling that if she could surround herself with allies, she would be safe. He'd been successful, as usual. Family information When they entered the Forks area, they immediately picked up the scent of the Cullens. Victoria agreed and Anne picked her up as if she were a doll, carried her out the window, and bit her. By tormenting Diego to death, she extracted all information out of him and forced Riley to either side with her or against her. Because of this ability, she became a prominent threat to Bella and the Cullens, as it was impossible to catch her and she made persistent attempts to destroy them. However, with the Cullens absent, she was patient. Skin color She was in a coven with her mate, James, and Laurent; and later, leader of the Seattle newborn army. Victoria's and Riley's remains were then burned, while her newborn army was defeated by the other Cullens and the pack. She had planned to use Riley to distract Edward while she made her move on Bella. Her mother was a scullery maid and her father was the master of the house. This was an unforeseen problem. Victoria's special ability was enhanced self-preservation, which is how she was able to escape being killed by the Quileute wolves and the Cullens in Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Lefevre had appeared at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con to promote New Moon the weekend before she was replaced. Victoria quickly began to fall in love with James. She was extremely paranoid for a time, setting up layers of protection for herself. She fought Edward while Riley battled Seth. Lefevre played the renegade vampire Victoria in the film Twilight. She is also an active supporter of Best Friends Animal Society, appearing in a public service announcement on behalf of the organization in November 2009, urging the public to adopt their next pet. 5'6" 1. Like most archetypical vampires and femme fatales, she was seductively charming and vain. Red In 2009, Lefevre appeared in the CBC television miniseries The Summit, filmed in Ontario, and completed the film Casino Jack, starring Kevin Spacey. She is also marked as one of the most persistent and ruthless characters in the series. Mainly, she was still angry with his betrayal and wanted to send him straight to the Cullens if they were still around. Victoria was described as being 5'6" tall, with long, curly, brilliant orange hair that was usually described as looking like fire with the usual blood red eyes of a vampire. [19] She first met him on a hunt. Affiliation Lefevre donates US$100 to Susan G. Komen for The Cure, a breast cancer charity, for every 10,000 people who follow her on Twitter. She spent 2 years in the streets and survived on her own, sleeping in small, hidden places and stealing as little food as possible to keep her theft from being noticed and moved from house to house, leaving no trace behind. Lefevre was at times overwhelmed by the scrutiny she received from her involvement with Twilight. Anne He lost the fight to Seth and cried out to Victoria for help, but she didn't even glance his way when he died. She could best be described as calculating, however she was frequently bloodthirsty, whether it was when she was dying to kill Bella for her delicious blood on the baseball field in Twilight or when she was stalking Bella for revenge in New Moon and Eclipse. Eventually, he felt intrigued by her evasive skills and no longer wished to harm her. To prepare for her role of Victoria in the Twilight film, Rachelle Lefevre watched lion attacks on YouTube and acted like a cat for a day to get used to acting feline. With her shockingly bright hair, it was more difficult for Victoria to avoid notice than most, and she received extra beatings simply for being visible. His failed attempt to kill Bella cost him his life. Then one night, she caught Alice's scent and knew her hopes for an easy kill were over. Height She had learned to hide from her masters for long periods of time. Biographical information Victoria proved to be a vital part of James's coven. Eye color Eye color Or, if Edward wasn't there, she would find out that the Cullens left and would make an easy kill for Bella. Loyalty This ability was carried over because, as a human, she was a servant mistreated by her abusive masters. The encounter inspired her to use her newborns as an army to exact revenge on Edward by killing Bella: a way to make him feel the same pain that she'd felt when James died. Lefevre lives in Los Angeles, California. One night, Anne went out to find a client—but she never returned. Also, when she ran away by herself, she was excellent at sneaking into houses, stealing food, and sleeping somewhere safe without any person or animal knowing. The two groups began planning strategy for the upcoming struggle. When they met, he proposed that they team up. James (mate) ♰Riley Biers (pawn) ♰Anne (older sister) ♰Laurent (coven mate) ♰Hilda (coven mate) ♰Heidi (former coven mate)Mary (coven mate) ♰Noela (coven mate) ♰Members of her newborn army Lefevre described the essence of her character as "pure evil, pure instinct, pure malice, and very feline". 18 This proved correct and the fight began. Eclipse - Biss zum Abendrot (2010) Twilight 3 Dritter Teil der romantischen Fantasy-Saga "Twilight": Bellas Schulabschluss rückt näher, doch das ist ihr geringstes Problem. Nor should they be able to maintain their wolf forms in the daylight. Hauptartikel: Bis(s) zur Mittagsstunde 2. Rachelle Lefevre portrayed Victoria in Twilight and New Moon movies. However, James said that Laurent would be enough. June 15, 2006 (killed by Edward Cullen) If not, Laurent would bring back news of the girl's location and how many protected her. She left Riley behind to mind the other newborns she'd created. While Edward, Carlisle and Emmett went after James, Victoria roamed around Forks, avoiding confrontation with Rosalie and Esme while she dug around the town for Bella's background information. February 1, 1979 (1979-02-01) (age 41) Victoria led a perfectly happy life with her coven for 2 years, and then they were joined by Noela. Summit Entertainment attributed the change to scheduling conflicts; Barney's Version and Eclipse both began filming on 17 August 2009. He seemed strong and smart, so she felt that he would be the perfect tool. Victoria woke in the night to see Anne in her attic room, standing over her. When the Volturi destroyed her coven, Anne and Victoria attempted to escape slaughter. Though their jobs kept them fed, the two sisters fled the house when Victoria was twelve years old. After her transformation, she was introduced to her sister's creator, Hilda, and two other vampires, Mary and Heidi. She was given Sutherland as her last name in the movies. In the meantime, she had Riley control them with carefully constructed lies—most notably, the myth that vampires were destroyed by the sun. Premiere feierte der Film am 24. Age when turned However, at the conclusion of the newborn crisis, Victoria's life of violence and malice was ended by Edward in the battle with the army. No matter how hard she tried, the werewolves always found her and her survival instincts got the better of herself. To avoid living in the streets during winter season, Anne agreed to work for a local pimp, on the condition that her sister would receive free lodging with the other working girls.
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