Film innerhalb des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) und darin der erste Film mit Black Panther als Hauptfigur. Comics Events Games Movies TV Characters. Profession: Chieftain (First Appearance), King of Wakanda . Wikis. Heroes. Der Film kam am 15. Games Movies TV Video. Advertisement. 1 st Appearance: Fantastic Four #52, July 1966. NOTE: Black Panther/Captain America: Flags of Our Fathers is 2010 miniseries set during World War II and tell the story of how Captain America and Black Panther met. Fantastic Four #52-53 (First Black Panther … Abilities: Black Panther Knowledge: T’Challa has the power to draw all the knowledge, strength, and every experience from every previous Black Panthers Regie führte Ryan Coogler, der gemeinsam mit Joe Robert Cole auch das Drehbuch schrieb. I highly recommend the very good, but ill-fated BET series starring Djimon Hounsou, Kerry Washington, and Jill Scott from 2010. The groundbreaking first appearance of Black Panther. Character Evolution Jack Kirby's unused design of T'Challa, the "Coal Tiger." Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Iron Man (Tony Stark) Captain … Hubs. Black Panther Prices Are Spiking, Unfortunately "Fantastic Four #52 (Marvel, 1966) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages. Black Panther Vol 1 (1977–2018) - Marvel Comics Database. Add new page. Marvel Database. Black Panther. Black Panther first appeared in a Fantastic Four comic 50 years ago. Black Panther ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Actionfilm, der von den Marvel Studios produziert wurde. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Real Name/Alias: T’Challa. Place of Origin: Wakanda. 260,738 Pages. Register Start a Wiki. In the years since then, the Black Panther has made appearances here and there throughout different Marvel productions. Chronologically set before his first appearance. Es ist der 18. First Appearance Of Black Panther's Shuri Sells Copies For $800 Each. His first comic appearance was in Fantastic Four #52 in 1966. While her first full appearance as Black Panther was in Black Panther : Dark Reign Vol …
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