20. I Like the Flowers Traditional aus England Sing & Swing S. 85 Körperübungen: Gedankliche Vorstellung: Es ist endlich Frühling! 18. I like the flowers I like the flowers, I like the daffodils. I Like the Flowers I like the flo wers, - I like the da - dils,ffo - I like the moun tains, - I like the ro - hills,lling I like the fi - sidere When the lights are low, sing ing- Doo - ppiwo - Doo - ppiwo - Doo - ppiwo - Doo - ppiwo - … My flatmate cleans really well if she cleans the house. I like the moun tains, C Am ‰− Θ œœ− œœ− œœ I like the roll ing hills, Dm G7 - - % œ œ− œœ− œœ I like the fi re side C Am œ− œœ− œ˙ when the lights are low Dm G7-% œ− œœ− œœ− œœ− œ −− bom di a di bom di a di C Am œ1.− œœ− œ œ− œœ− œ bom di a di bom di a di Dm G7 2. I cycle to work if the weather is fine. I like the mountains, I like the rolling hills, I like the fireplace when the light is low. 19. 17. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for i like the flowers by Misc Traditional arranged by timetoresurface for Voice (Other) (Solo) Dum, di da, di dum, di da, di dum, di da, di dum, di da, di Ich lieb den Frühling Ich lieb' den Frühling, ich lieb' den Sonnenschein. I like to visit the museums if I am in a new city. Title: I like the flowers Klav - Partitur Author (Gerd-Peter M\374nden) Created Date: 1/31/2012 8:34:08 AM Everybody is grumpy if it rains a lot. • Wir spazieren durch eine Wiese mit frischem Gras und Frühlingsblumen: zuerst schlendern wir gemütlich dahin, lassen dabei die Arme ganz locker mitschwingen.
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