donald trump jung

It is as if he is giving me a transmission, pointing me in the right direction. ... Another major psychological influence was the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Feeling my fear rising, I imploringly ask Jung what we can possibly do. With the utmost authority Jung replies to my concern, “’God-Almightiness’ does not make man divine, it merely fills him with arrogance and arouses everything evil in him. This Archetype Explains Donald Trump . HuffPost is part of Verizon Media. Jung’s point rings true – from all appearances, Donald Trump’s feeling function and sense of empathy seem highly underdeveloped and stunted. As if validating my thought, Jung says, “Inflation magnifies the blind spot of the eye.”[19] His comment makes me think of how our species certainly seems to be suffering from a form of psychic blindness, as if we are wearing blinders and have become myopic in our viewpoint, lacking clear vision. Totalitarian demons[17] are called forth.”[18], I start thinking how inflation is a form of blindness, as it disables our ability to see clearly and take in reflection from the outside world. As these words resound in my mind, I begin to wonder, “Are these Jung’s words, or my own?”. [40] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. You can contact Paul at; he looks forward to your reflections. Please visit Paul’s website Jung comments, “The situation is about the same as if a small boy of six had been given a bag of dynamite for a birthday present.”[33] Yeah, I find myself thinking, but the bag of dynamite in our case is nuclear. Like Faust, he is bound to make a pact with the devil and thus slips off the straight path.”[24] I think how Trump’s lies are believed as truth and taken seriously by his supporters, as if their faculty of discernment has been disabled. As if receiving a mystic revelation, I continually hear Jung’s voice echoing in my head, “I shall put myself right first.” His words are profoundly inspiring, as if they are speaking directly to me. I see why so many people have said that he has an unforgettable laugh. Kim Jong Un has praised his "special" relationship with US President Donald Trump, with one of North Korea's most respected diplomats telling state media the two leaders maintain "trust in … Rather than ghostly, his presence seems substantial, actually quite huge, and very warm. 563. Upon imagining this, I immediately sense the presence of Jung. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Jung refers to Trump as a “theatrical hysteric” (when he says this, I immediately wonder if Jung even knows about the concept of “reality TV”), who is “not strutting about on a small stage,” but, frighteningly, is in charge of the greatest war-making machine that this planet has ever seen. I am grateful to Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and … “If things go wrong in the world,” Jung says, and then waits to make sure I am listening, “I shall put myself right first.”[40] I certainly can’t argue with that. [4] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. [18] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. As if amplifying my thoughts, Jung exclaims, “Yet, whoever reflects upon himself is bound to strike upon the frontiers of the unconscious, which contains what above all else he needs to know.”[38] I love Jung’s idea that the unconscious, instead of simply being a repository of what we repress, contains what we need to know. From his statements, I realize that Jung is of the opinion that Trump is suffering from hysteria, which is something I hadn’t considered, yet it … [2] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. I can only imagine. Carl Jung and Donald Trump 02/26/2016 04:22 pm ET Updated Feb 25, 2017 As it turns Carl Jung (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst) might be one of the least surprised by the seemingly unstoppable rise of Donald Trump in the polls, and in people's love-hate relationships. [35] Jung, Psychological Reflections, p. 296. [31] Jung, The Symbolic Life, CW 18, para. 747. It certainly seems as if Trump is infected with a psychic bacilli/mind-virus[32] of sorts, as his mind seems truly deranged, i.e., not oriented in the right direction. In describing Trump, Jung uses phrases such as a man acting out “the power fantasies of an adolescent” who behaves in public “like a man living in his own biography.”[15] I am beginning to understand that Jung is able to so precisely describe Trump because our president, as if sent by central casting, is simply the latest embodiment, in an exaggerated form, of a deeper archetypal pathology—existing in the collective unconscious itself—that has played itself out throughout history. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. In his writings Jung refers to this state of inflation as being a conceit that borders on madness. 462. alchemy, awakening, collective madness, dreams, healing, imagination, jung, lucid dreaming, psychiatric abuse, shadow projection, shamanism, synchronicity, wetiko, wounded healer. Donald Trump utterly dismissed this story, laughing at its politically correct absurdity. Neither can old formulas which once had a value be brought into force again. Trump had his finger on the pulse of the public, in the same way Jung elaborated on the rise of 20th century populism in Europe, Trump acted as a figurehead for a large portion of the disenfranchised public and rather than imposing his own belief structure on them … ... Lewandowski and David Bossie’s campaign memoir Let Trump Be Trump, that the current president is a student of Carl Jung. I remember that the word genius is related to the word genie (as in “I dream of…”), which is etymologically related to the word daemon, which means the inner voice and guiding spirit. Sounding quite pleased at my understanding, Jung comments, “Therefore it is always single individuals who are moved by the collective problem and who are called upon to respond and contribute to its solution by tackling it in their own lives and not running away from it.”[35] As I’ve previously written, it is the artists—those among us who are actively engaged with the creative spirit—who will help to heal our world. Deeply recognizing the peril of our current situation, Jung becomes somber and in a barely audible tone, mutters under his breath, “our blindness is extremely dangerous.”. Postscript (3/9/2016) - If you liked this article, you might also my discussion of Donald's Trump's Values. As if wanting to complete his thoughts on an inflated consciousness, Jung says, with complete certainty, that it “is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. The eternal truths cannot be transmitted mechanically; in every epoch they must be born anew from the human psyche.”[34] I immediately think of Jung’s consistent message that it is only through change in an individual’s consciousness—the individual being, in Jung’s words, “the carrier of life”—that real transformation happens in the world at large. 485. I am deeply affected by Jung’s wisdom. Is Trump the outer reflection of this blindness? He seems professorial in demeanor, which immediately makes feel like I am in the role of student, a role I am very happy to assume when I meet someone who I consider to be my teacher, orders of magnitude wiser than myself. 457. Deeply wanting to take advantage of my good fortune, I try to connect by asking him if he can believe the insanity that is happening in the United States today. People like Trump who suffer from hysteria invariably fall prey to what Jung refers to as “prestige psychology,” evidenced by his typical need “to flaunt his merits and insist on them, of his insatiable thirst for recognition, admiration, adulation.”[30] I remember how in his writings Jung points out that people who suffer from hysteria, due to their unwillingness to own their own failings, compulsively wind up hurting other people. Trump, I imagine Jung pointing out, is suffering from what is known as pseudologia phantastica, a “form of hysteria which is characterized by a peculiar talent for believing one’s own lies.”[26] Upon reflection, it does seem that Trump has hypnotized himself such that he really seems to believe his own lies, as if he himself isn’t able to discern between truth and falsehood. As if our time together is coming to a close, Jung’s image, like a rainbow dissolving into the emptiness of its nature, starts to fade. [10] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead.”[22] His words send a chill down my spine, as once again it feels as if he is describing our current president. My unconscious apparently contains the living figure of Jung. Never before has mankind as a whole experienced the numen of the psychological factor on so vast a scale.” – Jung, The Practice of Psychotherapy, CW 16, para. 478. [17] In his writings, Jung refers to this madness as a “totalitarian psychosis” (see Jung, The Practice of Psychotherapy, CW 16, para. [9] Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, CW 9i, para. 442). 1378. As if starting to dream, Jung, with a twinkle in his eye, conjectures, “Perhaps in a more enlightened era a candidate for governmental office will have to have it certified by a psychiatric commission that he is not a bearer of psychic bacilli.”[31] I appreciate Jung’s idea of having our would-be-leaders vetted for mental stability; from all appearances our current president would fail the test. I am familiar with Jung’s idea that when the darkness of the unconscious begins to stir, if these forces are not understood, they will magnetically draw people together who will become unwitting instruments for what Jung calls “the powers of darkness” to act themselves out in the world. As if reflecting upon my own self-reflection, Jung says, “Individual self-reflection, return of the individual to the ground of human nature, to his own deepest being with its individual and social destiny—here is the beginning of a cure for that blindness which reigns at the present hour.”[39] Connecting with the innermost foundations of our being is like finding a safe refuge during these crazy times we are living through. 448. From his statements, I realize that Jung is of the opinion that Trump is suffering from hysteria, which is something I hadn’t considered, yet it makes perfect sense upon reflection. Jung then matter-of-factly states, as if what he is saying is beyond debate, “It is everybody’s allotted fate to become conscious of and learn to deal with this shadow.”[12] It does feel as if we live in a time where it is no longer possible to avoid or postpone dealing with our darker half. As if completing his psychological analysis on our president’s genius for deceiving himself, Jung explains, “Believing one’s own lies when the wish is father to the lie is a well-known hysterical symptom and a distinct sign of inferiority.”[28] This makes sense to me, as Trump’s braggadocio certainly seems, from the psychological point of view, as if it is a compensation for deep feelings of inferiority. I express my concern to Jung that Trump is severely inflated, by which I mean he is unconsciously identified with, instead of being in conscious relationship to, what Jung refers to as the Self (which can be equated to the higher Self, i.e., God). Jung seems deeply satisfied by our meeting. [3] As if hearing my thoughts, Jung comments that the psyche is “the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth.”[4] Jung adds, “We can no longer deny that the dark stirrings of the unconscious are active powers.”[5] This immediately makes me think of Jung’s well-known insight that if we don’t bring consciousness to the shadow forces within the psyche, we will then most assuredly dream up our inner unconscious situation to play out—destructively—on the world stage as our fate. I am more than satisfied; I’m in a practically ecstatic state, literally overflowing with gratitude. [37] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. [33] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. I then remember that the deeper meaning of the word “guru” is one who inspires; in this sense, I am happy to call Jung my guru - he is a source of continual inspiration in my life. Jung was a genius who had incredibly deep insight into the nature of the psyche, particularly how it informs and gives shape to what plays out in our world. Jung continues, “If ever there was a time when self-reflection was the absolutely necessary and only right thing, it is now, in our present catastrophic epoch.”[36] Self-reflection, a privilege born of and intrinsic to human freedom, is a genuinely spiritual act - essentially the act of becoming conscious.

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