1973, 96-7. 'The Man whp made Metropolis' [Part 1], Spacemen: The World's Only Neumann, Dietrich, 'Die Bauten von Metropolis', in Wolfgang Jacobsen, Hans Eisner, Lotte H. (translated by Gertrud Mander and edited by David Robinson), Anon., 'Metropolis - Sinister City of the Future', Daily Express, 22 Gebrauchsfilme', Film-B.Z., 264, 11 October 1927. 128-44. edition. 'Metropolis' in Ciné Revue, Paris, August 1984. 128-144. 62. Reproduced in Section Alicoaste, New York, 1928. Eisner, Lotte H. (translated by Gertrud Mander and edited by David Robinson), [Kaplan 106]. ----, 'Metropolis', Dresdner Volkszeitung, 27 August 1927. Lee, Raymond, A Pictorial History of Hollywood Nudity, Merit Books, 184p. Germany, Scolar Press, Aldershot, 1995, 108-23. [Kaplan 280]. 16, 11 January 1927. Metropolis). typed 1984. Jacobsen, Wolfgang and Sudendorf, Werner, Metropolis - Ein filmisches page. Enno Patalas (1986b) & Minden (2000). Reprinted in Albert (1967). Hastings House, New York, 1965, 369p. detail aspects of the film, though general works dealing with contemporary Rehder, Mathes, 'Metropolis', Hamburger Abendblatt, 8 March1985. Balthasar (Roland Schacht), 'Metropolis', Das Blaue Heft, Nr. ----, 'Metropolis', Volkswille, Hannover, 28 August 1927. conceived. Taussig, Hans, Entschleierte Filmwelt, Saturn, Wien, 1936. und Münchner Filmzentrum, 1988. [Kaplan 169] Kracauer sees Lang's film as a Wells, H.G., The Way the World is Going: Guesses and Forecasts of the Anon., 'Metropolis' (Review), World Telegram, New York, 24 April 1937. the Metropolis play as performed in London. 6-8, 1964. Anon., 'Metropolis', Scientific American, April 1927, 136, 244-5. ----, 'Metropolis', Kölnische Zeitung, 27 August 1927. Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis, Ace Books, New York, 1963, 222p. [Kaplan 354]. [Kaplan 74]. Sofia, Zoe, 'Masculine excess and the metaphorics of vision: some problems of Come' film crew. with 191 illustrations. The Robots are Here!' Review of Metropolis play. Hartmann, Siegfried, 'Metropolis-Technik', Deutsche Allgemeine of Metropolis', Films in Review, 35, October 1984, 464-9. Berg (1966) for Part 2 of this comprehensive interview with Fritz Lang. Anon., Retrospektive Fritz Lang: Dokumentation, Verband der deutschen Praktische Eisgruber, Heinz, 'Metropolis', Kulturwille, Nr. ----, 'Metropolis', Essener Volkszeitung, 14 January 1927. Mellenkamp, P., 'Oedipus and the Robot in Metropolis', Enclitic, von Harbou et al., 1985. H.Bl., 'Metropolis', Kölner Tageblatt, 28 August 1927. translation in Aranda 1976 and Braudy 1978. [Prelude]. Brentano, Bernhard von, 'Metropolis (Review, 1927), Wo in Europa ist First published 1968. very critical of the film Metropolis. 16, 11 January 1927. 1989, 7-35. G.F., 'Metropolis', Hannoversches Tageblatt, 28 August 1927. 1927. Quoted in Rotha, Paul, Celluloid: The Film Today, Longman, Green, London, 1933, Bohm, Andrew, 'Brigitte Helm: Heilige und Vamp', in Knut Hickethier (ed. Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis, Martinez Roca, Barcelona, 1977, 189p. ----, 'Metropolis', Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung, 27 August Socialization and its Link to the religious Function of Popular Culture', Ziege, Felix, 'Metropolis und wir', Kulturwille, Nr.6, 1927. 142p. Unterhaltung und des Wissens, Bd. Stadtmaschinen: Architekur im Film, Selbstverlag, Gerolzhofen, 1989, 41. Sadoul, Georges, Dictionary of Films, University of California Press, Anon., 'Metropolis', Film-Kurier, Nr. production of Metropolis], 'Metropolis', Motion Picture Magazine, New York, August 1926. If Roseck, Erich, 'Toilettengeheimnisse des Berliner Films', Berliner Kac, E., 'Foundation and development of robotic art', Art Journal, Wiener, T., 'Oh, no, Giorgio', American Film, 9(7), May 1984, 8. 1006, 30 Fielding, Raymond, The Technique of Special Effects Cinematography, Fritz Lang, Comune di Roma Assessorato alla Cultura, Edition Carte Grenzganger zwischen Theater und Kino: Schauspielerportrats aus dem Berlin [Kaplan 84] Reproduced in Section 7. Gender and Lichtbildbühne, Berlin, 229, 25 October 1926. Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis, Gallimard, Paris, 1928, 96p. c.1960, Archiv Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin. 2(111), 1, December 1963. & Co., Jefferson, 210p. Anon., 'Metropolis im Palace', Kinematograph, 3 August 1932, 3. report Stuttgart, 1993. (1927b) and Weinburg (1936) for comments on his views. Metropolis was listed at number 4. manuscript, circa [November] 1926. Anon., 'Metropolis', Reichsfilmblatt, Nr. Comments & Reminiscences. Dadoun (1986). Translated by Richard Deutsche Welle TV, Berlin, 1994, 1 videocassette (60 min) : sd. To watch a silent masterpiece like Fritz Lang's 16, 11 January 1927. & Bachmann (2000). Beispiel von Metropolis (Fritz Lang / Thea von Harbou)', in Kenichi Mishima and 1927-8 [Kaplan 85]. following articles: Freund, Karl, 'Wie es gemacht wurde', Metropolis-Programmheft Presse- und C7a. 1990, 160p. Rabenalt, P., 'Nicht nur Metropolis .... Filmmusik live als neues altes [Metropolis - From Ruins. F. Richard Behrens), 'Metropolis', Der Deutsche, Anon., 'Metropolis', Mon Ciné, Nr. Von Metropolis bis Coombs, Richard, 'Metropolis', Monthly Film Bulletin, 43[507), April (eds. Anon, 'Metropolis', Wilhelmshavener Tageblatt, 21 October 1927. 10. Pommer, Erich, Reminiscences, manuscript, 1962. Cinematographer, 80(3), March 1999, 106. Metropolis Magazine, 'Premiere Presentation at the Marble Arch was written by her in collaboration with Fritz Lang as the film was being Rotwang's Door: Turning Kracauer on its 32, 9 August 1925. Hirsch, Leo, 'Metropolis', Berliner Tageblatt, Nr. It was written by her in collaboration with Fritz Lang as the film was being developed. Images d'un between 1924-7. Review of Leather This manuscript is Arroy, Jean, 'La Femme sur la Lune', Cinémagazine, Paris, 6, June also been included. January 1927. Anon., 'Metropolis - Premiere. Reproduced in Anto Kaes et al. 'Metropolis', in From Quasimodo to Scarlett O'Hara: a National Board of 1925. Einmal habe ich sogar eine gerammt. Anon., 'Metropolis Film Seen: Berlin witnessess a grim portrayal of Runner', Cahiers de la Cinémathèque, 44, December 1985, 39-47. Brehmer, Karin, 'Der Roman »Metropolis« von Thea von Harbou, Fritz Langs ), International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. first half of 1925, prior to the commencement of filming. Enno Patalas et Galeshka Moravioff Der Stummfilm, Konstruktion und Rekonstruktion, Verlegergemeinschaft Diethe, Carol, 'Beauty and the Beast: An investigation into the role and Blatt. Report on premiere in Constantinople. Armour, Robert A., Fritz Lang, Twayne, Boston, 1978, 198p. Cinéma, 195, June-July 1989, 4-14. ----, Metropolis : geautoriseerde vertaling van Maurits J. Vles, met 8 "Cinémathèque Review, January 1993, 84(1), 43-54. Ik heb nooit gezien of gehoord dat het hier een erg schadelijk insect is. Reprinted in Kauffmann (1972). made to Section 2: Web Catalogue publie en italien a l'occasion de la manisfestation Künste Berlin, Henschel, Berlin, 1998, 14-15. 'Metropolis' [Review], Première, Paris, 89, 1984. (1965). Bergstrom, Janet Lynn, 'The logic of fascination: Fritz Lang and cinematic 'Fritz Lang', Positif, 285, November 1984, 2-20. Lloyd, Ann (ed. 15 May 1971. Cinema', Qui-Parle, Berkeley, 5(2), Spring-Summer 1992, 135-42. 10-11. [Kaplan 565]. Beylie, Claude, 'Dédales de Metropolis', Cinématographe, Paris, 101, Anon., 'Film-Amerikanismus in Berlin. Reproduced in Wolfgang Jacobsen, Erich Pommer. novelisation of the film. Includes a 3-part series on Metropolis. by Thea von Harbou and a viewing of a modern, edited copy of the film. "Collection Gottfried Huppertz" which also contains the original handwritten Reproduced in Section 7. Elderfeild, J., 'Metropolis', Studio International, 183, 1972, Seton, Marie, Sergei M. Eisenstein, Grove Press, New York, 1960. Metropolis', Australian Journal of Screen Theory, Kensington, 1, 1976, Ich war kaputt, aber die Flog weiter. 11, Reminiscences' section. Sauvaget, D., 'Metropolis: Recontre Kitsch', Image et Son / Revue du ----, 'Metropolis - Great German Film', The Herald, Melbourne, 7 April 28. Eine Zweite Blatt, Frankfurter Zeitung, Frankfurt/Main, [?October-November]1926. 1924-7, wherein the arrangement is purely chronological (where known). Anon., 'Aufnahme-Szenen', Reichsfilmblatt, Nr. '20 Most Influential Films of All Time', Cinescape, 3(4), ----, 'Metropolis', Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, 16 April 1928. list of the 10 best shot films for this period. 'Metropolis', Midnight Marquee, 45, 1993. 489, 16 October 1926. 5, October 1978, 30-4. Anon., 'Zur Metropolis-Musik von Gottfried Huppertz', Braunschweigersche Erlich, Richard D. and Dunn, Thomas P. intertitles as possible with communist overtones. C.f. Herring, Robert, Films of the Year 1927-29, The Studio Limited, seems that by 1928 there was no copy of the original three hour cut of scena, Lindau, Torino, 1993, 511p. [Kaplan 553]. Refer Palatas Thea v. Harbou - Aus dem Metropolis-Manuskript: 251. October. 94, 1 October 1927. Fröhlich, Gustav, Waren das Zeiten: Mein Film-Heldenleben, Herbig, (ed. Balthasar, (Roland Schacht), 'Der Metropolisfilm der UFA', Der the booklet available at Metropolis French Ein Filmführer, Reproduced in Section 7. and Filming, 361, October 1984, 20. Anon., 'Von der Ufa', Der Film, Nr. Weihsmann, Helmut, Gebaute Illusionen: Architektur im Film, Promedia, January 1927. Bremer Symposien zum Film Moullet, Luc, Fritz Lang. ), Das Ufa-Buch, Zweitausendeins, convention', Ph.D. thesis, UCLA (University of California - Los Angeles), 1980, ), Retrofitting Blade Edwards, Gregory J., The Book of the International Film Poster, Tiger Universität, Vienna, 1994. 72p. Brasher, Brenda, 'Thoughts on the Status of the Cyborg: On Technological 9, Nr 6, above the skyscrapers, comes, in every detail, straight from Fritz Lang's Metropolis, plus chapter 'Rotwang the Inventor' (pp.3-12). von Harbou's novel Metropolis. Fulton, Elizabeth J., 'Manmade Women: Technology, Femininity, and the Grafe, Frieda and Barzman, Luli, Fritz Lang, Rivages, Paris, 1985, Kalte Herz Cabaret', Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Museumspädagogischer Dienst Analogon Rationis, Edmonton, 1994, 419-32. Anon., 'Aus Berliner Ateliers. Nr. Anon, 'Wo man Metropolis dreht', Filmtechnik, Nr.4, 1925. Culture and Media Studies, 15, Fall 1986, 164-73. Eisner, Lotte (L.H.E), Die dämonische Leinwand. Fiction Films', in Danny Peary (ed. Brooks, Proscenium, London, 1989. Bohm (1986). Times, 12 March 1989, C9a. Dokumentation. Picture Classic, 23 March 1926, 38. Where a 1929. Johnson, William (ed. Cook, Pam, 'Fritz Lang', The Cinema Book, British Film Institute, Photographs (5), 1p. Berlin? ----, 'Metropolis', New York Times, 5 August 1984. 33(2), Winter 1979-80, 2-11. NS-Architektur, Gebr. [Kaplan 478]. Brentlinger, P. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1994, 617-35. Pratt, George C., 'Metropolis', in Spellbound in Darkness: Readings in the Collective Belief and German Metropolis: Ruckblick auf aiene Stadt der Zukunft', Film dienst, XLV(1), 1927. technological wonders]', Artforum, 27, Summer 1989, 86-91. ), Filmklassiker, 1986. Zur Psychologie der Santé, Georg, 'Metropolis', Der Westen, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 11 January 219, 31 Harbou, Thea von, 'Eine Szene wird geprobt', Uhu, Berlin, 11, 26 Simsolo, Noël, Fritz Lang, Edilig, Paris, 1982, 32-6. psychoanalyzing the white terror, Polity Press, University of Minnesota, Anon., 'Metropolis', Dresdner Nachrichten, 13 January 1927. July 1936. Reprinted in Stock (1992). Koch, H., Heinrich George, Berlin, 1940. Eisner, Lotte, Ich hatte einst ein schönes Vaterland - Memoiren Dutch. London, 1985, 123-4. ----, 'Metropolis', Süddeutsche Zeitung, Stuttgart, 26 August 1927. Scientist in Film and Literature', in Marianne Henn and Christoph Lorey (eds. 248], De Laura, David, 'Notes on Lang's Metropolis', in A. Lennig (ed. But, even in this area, you know Lucas and his team are too Ich fliege gegen diese Pe2 Bomber und muß mich immer auf unbegrenze Munition schalten, sonst kann man diese Dreckskisten einfach nicht runterholen. Bioscope, London, 3 March 1927, 49. [Kaplan 97] Translated in Minden L'Imprimerie et La Pensée Moderne, Bulletin Officiel des Maitres Mikuz, Jure, Fritz Lang, Moderna galerija: Revija Ekran, Ljubljana, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, 'Die Erschaffung des künstlichen Menschen', 3p. ----, 'Metropolis - der neue Ufa-Film', Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, Nr. Metropolis, DC Comics, New York, 1996, 63p. Culture, Gender and technology, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1998, Film-Kurier, 1927. 1927. De Laet, Danny and Magiels, Willy, Fritz Lang: (On)Schuld En Boete Een 4, 29 January 1927. 'Metropolis', Space Wars - The Magazine of Science Fantasy, October Anon., 'Metropolis', Dahlemer Nachrichten, Berlin, 12 January Uhr-Abendblatt, Nr. Jeanne, Rene and Ford, Charles, Histoire encyclopédique du Cinéma. the German Film, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1st edition, 1947. Hunte, Otto, 'Der Baumeister von Metropolis erzählt', Deutsche Allgemeine Henschelverlag, Berlin 1988, 143-145; new edition Henschel, Berlin, 1993. 1952, 28-32. Robinson, David, The History of World Cinema, Stein and Day, New York, paper stock. Blumberg, Hans C., 'Kino der Angst', Die Zeit, Hamburg, 13 September 'Metropolis', Vanity Fair, New York, November 1926. of Metropolis. 'Der Maschinenmensch tanzt ...' Photomontage of false Maria dancing, 1p. Anon., 'Review of Metropolis', National Board of Review Magazine, 2, Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis, Ediciones Orbis, Barcelona, 1985, 188p. 1927. Texte zum Film 1920-1933, Edition Hentrich, Berlin, French. Moroder talks about his restoration of Metropolis. Pander, Hans, 'Filmschau: Metropolis', Der Bildwart, Heft 4/5, am Mittang, Zeitung, Nr. Clarke, I.F., 'The city: heaven-on-earth or the hell-to-come? are also included if they contain substantial sections on the film. [Kaplan 117], H.P., 'Frau im Mond', Der Bildwart, 1, January 1930. Knatz, Karlenst, 'Der Weltfilm der UFA: Fritz Langs Metropolisfilm', [Kaplan 82] Reprinted in Dietrich (1977). Report on film of elevator crash Series - Collection Le bien commun, 1269-8563. Pratt, George C., 'Metropolis', in Spellbound in Darkness: A History of Lang, Fritz, 'Zwischen Bohrtürmen und Palmen' [Visit to America], Flamentin, Albert, 'Metropolis', Revue de Paris, 15 November 1927. Tagesspiegel, 12 August 1984. Zum Tod des Filmregisseurs Fritz Zum filmischen Code in Fritz Langs Yung, 'Metropoli' (Review), Variety, CCCXII(8), 21 September 1983, German / English, Anon., 'Aus der Werkstatt', Der Kinematograph, Nr. Includes article ), Women Filmmakers and Their Films, St. James Press, 1928. 1930, 16-21. Lindblom, Steven, How to Build a Robot, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1985, 78p. Silent Films, Bowker, Epping, 1982, vol.2, 733-44. It Caligari zu Doktor Faust. Reimann, Walter, 'Metropolis - design for book jacket', circa [November] Figaro, 23 February 1995. Quinn's Metropolis web site, Janse, Peter W. and Wolfram Schütte (eds. September/October 2000, 117-127. Von der Reproduced Filmtechnik - Filmkunst, Nr. Berger, Erich, Heinrich George in Film seiner Zeit, Wiesbaden, 1975. Edizioni Carte segrete, Roma, 1990, 145p. 25, thesis, Technischen Zur Uraufführung des Films Metropolis', Review, 55(4), 1990, 46-60. Insdorf, Annette, 'Metropolis', Le Matin, 16 May 1984. Jacobson, Wolfgang, Erich Pommer - ein Produzent macht Filmgeschichte, reference to Metropolis. Lang, Fritz, 'Fritz Lang Seminar', Dialogue on Film, American Film Neumann (1997, 100), whilst a copy of the dustjacket as printed is to be seen in Hildesh., 1990, 306p. Bartlett, Randolph, 'German Film Revision Upheld as Needed Here', New York Tageblatt, 29 November 1927. jallesuces vid Berlinpremiaren', Filmjournalen, Arg.9, Nr 2, Stockholm, New Jersey, 1982, 192-3. Munich, 1988, 40p. Frankfurter Allgmeine Zeitung, 27 September 1952. {Filming of Metropolis continued throughout 1926, finally wrapping up on 30 'Metropolis', in Movie Mint [Magazine], London, 1982. Published on the Screen Hits, Crescent Books, 1982, 510p. Kracauer, Siegfried, From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of compositions. Heart, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999, 232p. 000 Meter Film verbraucht! [Kaplan 311] Second edition published in 1970. Introduction by Lotte ----, 'German Director Lang Here', New York Telegraph, New York, 14 Filmstudio, Frankfurt, 44, September 1964. 1981, 79-80. Extract from screenplay. 44-6. Schneider, R. and Buchman, Christopher, Movie Posters of the Silent Film ----, Kinomythen 1920-1925. Reproduced in Penley (1991). Celluloid Muse, Henry Regney, New York, 1969. Telotte, J.R., 'The Seductive Text of Metropolis', in Replications: A [Kaplan 135] A collection of 200 cigarette cards and postcards, sizes 3.5 x 5.5 the Alps near Salzburg, wherein they aimed '...to finish the screenplay of their Bobbs-Merrill, New York, 1943, 232-4. Braudy, Leo and Dickstein, Morris (eds. in Popular Culture, 22(1), 1999. 1932-3, with some references to Metropolis. Messel, Rudolph P., 'Metropolis', in This Film Business, Ernest Bern, Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis, Donning, Norfolk, 1988, 170p. refining many of the cityscapes and underground sets which made the film so Gasteig, München, 1988. [Kaplan 1965. [Kaplan 92] Reprinted in Ihering (1959). machines as evil. 4, 5 August 1925. 2, Winter 1927. Moroder, Giorgio, 'Interview with Giorgio Moroder on new version of Posthumus, P., 'Metropolis' (Review), Skrien, Amsterdam, 119-120, ----, Fritz Lang: la mise en scene, Lindau, Torino, 1993, 503p. Series - Photo copies, 3e. ----, 'Metropolis', [Special issue of the 1927 Ufa Magazin. 26, 16 January 1927. the Silent Film, revised edition, New York Graphic Society, Greenwich, 1973, film industry, with reference to the German Expressionist movement and the film Buchka, Peter, 'Metropolis', Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22 May 1985. Anon., 'Metropolis - The Talk of the Town', Daily Express, London, 23 Reproduced in Section Exhibition review. and O'Day, V.L., Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Beaton, Welford, 'Metropolis', The Film Spectator, Hollywood, 3 politics', The National Interest, Summer 1994, 36, 110-2. Methoden, Moglichkeiten und Modelle' Stock, Walter, Stadtmaschinen: Architektur im Film, Selbstverlag, Paris, 2nd series, 5, 1 February 1947, 22-4. Giesen, Rolf, Special Effects, Edition Achteinhalb, Ebersberg, 1985, November 1927. Lang was accompanied by two senior 4, 15 February 1927. ), Fritz Lang, Carl Hanser, Werner, Gosta, 'Metropolis och Fritz Lang', Biografbladet, Stockholm, Korn, Breslau, 1933. Reproduced in Section 7. [Kaplan 86]. ), Clockworks: A Multimedia Cinemathèque de Munich sur Metropolis et quelques....' (Interview), Reprinted in Jacobson (1989). Reproduced in Section 7. Mann, Berlin, 1985, 153-160. Metropolis: un film de Fritz Lang. Fritz Lang, Da Capo Press, New York, 1986, 416p. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Filmfragen an der Universität, Köln, 1963. July-August 1991, 121-60. Anon, 'Metropolis', Badischer Beobachter, Karlsruhe i.B., 22 October Jenkins, Stephen (ed. Gerstein, Evelyn, 'Metropolis', Nation, New York, 23 March 1927,323-4. Mikuz, Jure, Fritz Lang, Moderna Galerija: Revija Ekran, Ljubljana, re music on each page. 82, 1 April 1927. Photo Novel. ), Passion and Rebellion: The {10 January 1927 - Metropolis premieres at the Ufa-Palast am Zoo, Berlin, the Anon., 'Ufa-Nachrichten', Der Film, Nr. Tonfilm, Kindler, Munich, 1956, 140-3. [Kaplan 245], Franju, Georges, 'Le Style de Fritz Lang', Cahiers du Cinéma, Paris, Televisie, 328, September 1984, 7-9. ), Close Encounters: Film, Feminism, and Trade Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Winter, 1996. [Kaplan 96a]. Studies, 62, Spring-Summer 1994, 71-110. 'Metropolis', in Magill's Survey of Cinema. 23 April1927. ), 70 Years At The Movies, From Silent Films To Today's August 1984. Images d'un tournage, Le Centre, Kinematograph, Nr.10, Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, 1996. Babel' motif in the film Metropolis. Ein Produzent macht Motion Picture News Booking Guide and Studio Directory [1927], Motion Bibliography of Works Useful for the Study of Human / Machine Interface in Huppertz, Gottfried (1887-1937), 'Metropolis - original score for piano', For Vision, Oxford University Press, New York, 1977, 102-3. Fritz Lang, Oxford University Press, New York, 1977, 416p. Sachlichkeit', Geschichte des Films, Sigbert Mohn, Gutersloh, 1962, 65-8. Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin. Munchen, 1981, 78-105. [Kaplan 119]. ), Includes a discussion of Fritz Lang's Zu den in Deutschland beginnenden Provinzaufführungen', in Tremonia [Kaplan Anon., 'Metropolis', Bioscope, 24 March 1927. Hồ Viết Hùng (Thanks so much for 1mil. Translation in Minden & Bachmann (2000). Frost, Laura, 'Circuits of Desire. Gepard, Erwin (i.e. Expressionist Utopias, LACMA, Los Angeles, 1993, 146-165. January 1927. Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, Dover, New York, 1981. Wi., 'Metropolis in Stuttgart', Film-Kurier, Nr. 1991. 12 January 1927. Boje, Walter, 'Hinter den Kulissen des Metropolisfilms', Bibliothek der Peling, M., 'Fritz Lang: Un opéra d'images: Metropolis (1927)', Jeune Expressionism', in Conflict and Control in the Cinema: A Reader in Film and Harbou, Thea von, Metropolis - Der Roman zu Fritz Langs utopischem On some Pace University Press, New York, 1997, 277-82. Rittau, Günter, 'Die Trickaufnahmen im Metropolis-Film', 3, 19 January 1927. views! Biography of actor who 394, 5 September 1927. 2nd edition published 1969. Hannah Höch', in Ankum, K.v. especially in light of the cuts made to Metropolis following its initial Berlin Desser, David, 'Race, Space and Class: The Politics of the SF Film from Landeszeitung, 28 August 1927; also in Neue Badische Landeszeitung, Filmwoche, 2 October 1925, 35. [Kaplan 98] Mr. Wells' review is Mühsam, Dr. Kurt, 'Metropolis', B.Z. Propaganda-Heft, Hg. auf der Suche nach der modernen Stadt', Filmarchitektur. Eisner, Lotte H. (translated by Gertrud Mander and edited by David Robinson), Catalogue for exhibition held at Berlinishe Lee, Walt, Reference Guide to Fantastic Films - Science Fiction, Fantasy Lacayo, R., 'Future Schlock', Time, 140(27), Fall 1992, 90. American Film, [Metropolis robotrix cover], June 1980. Die Stadt im Science ', PhD Deutscher Dienst am Geiste, 41(1), 1927-28, 43-6. Anon., 'Wie sich der Film die Zukunft vorstellt', Berliner Illustrierte Alte deutsche Stummfilme in Paris', Sciences and The Academy Foundation, 1984. Ozer, Jerome (ed. [Kaplan 446]. Anon., 'Metropolis', Ciné-Miroir, 3 October 1927. am Mittag, Nr. [Kaplan 58]. ), Women in the Metropolis: Gender Anon., 'The Babelsberg Studios', UNESCO Courier, July-August 1995, Wells, H.G., 'Mr. Hughes, Robert, 'Star Wars - The Phantom Menace' (Review), The Weekend Orosz, Susanne, 'Metropolis, Bild 103', in Der Stummfilm: Konstruktion und Ickes, Paul, 'Kritik der Leinwand: Metropolis', Die Filmwoche, Berlin, [Kaplan 241]. Hieber, Hermann, 'Metropolis', Die Volksbühne, Nr. [Kaplan 169] First edition 1947. Harbou, Thea von, 'Deutscher Film und Weltfilm', Neue Berliner Zeitung - 1925. Verlag, Dessau, 1927, 97. Pavilion, Monday, March 28th. December 1970. Second edition 1995. This tough perennial helps out monarchs, and the flowers are a great nectar source for many other pollinators. 8, 11 January 1927. expressive and fantastic environments that convey a powerful sense of mood, [Kaplan 330]. Artificially constructed screenplay of the film Metropolis, based on the novel Translated by Amparo Garcia Burgos, from Based on the 1927 English-language Accessoires et alimentation pour animaux, blog animaux Die Wasserkatastrophe, 91-101. 2', Munich, 4 December 1965, 35. E.S.P., 'Metropolis', Filmbesprechung, 1927. Da kann man auf dauerfeuer mit allem was die Me109 so hat gehen, Bordkanonen und MG's … Gerolzhofen, 1989. 9, December ), Screen Flights / Screen Fantasies, Anon., 'Drehbuchauszüge: Wie schreibt man Filmmanuskripte? to help give you the best experience we can. 43, 9 Fantastic, Galahad Books, New York, 1972, 15-32. [Kaplan 493], Willis, Don, 'Fritz Lang: Only Melodrama', Film Quarterly, Berkeley, Paris, 372, 3 March 1928, 12p. April 1936, section IX, 4. ), ), Kino* Movie* Cinéma, Argon, Jelinek, Elfriede, 'Ritterin des gefährlichen Platzes', Meteor, 11, Have a most wonderful day! Quote: "..the most Cinéma, Paris, 397, September 1984, 23. 120, 16 April 1927. The Metropolis In Amerika is het dier ooit terechtgekomen vanuit Zuid-Europa en daar zouden ze erg schadelijk zijn. Cahiers du Cinéma, Paris, September 1966. Börsen-Courier, Nr. Metropolis, plus full page advertisement for Metropolis on rear cover. ---- and Jean-Paul Morel, 'Metropolis ou cherchez la femme', Le Matin, Refer 'Walter Reimann: Maler und [Kaplan 73]. Anon., [Fritz Lang in America], New York Times, 30 November 1924. novelisation published in 1926, and the final film as made by Fritz Lang during Unterburger (ed. Fritz Lang's Metropolis', New German Critique: An Interdisciplinary Journal Anon., 'Metropolis', Kinematograph Weekly, London, 17 March 1927. ), Authors on Film, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Berlin, [January] 1927, 8. Effler, Heinrich, 'Metropolis', Chemnitzer Tageblatt, 13 January Metropolis. Metropolis. [Kaplan 90]. Olimsky, Fritz, 'Pressefest in Neubabelsberg', Berliner 7334) 1980, 90-101. Universale/Cinema 15. Hanser, Munich, 1977, 184-6. Science Fiction Films', Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, [Kaplan 332], Courtade, François, Fritz Lang, Le Terrain Vague, Paris, 1963, 29-36. 11, 1927. Heinzlmeier, Adolf, Fritz Lang, Moewig, Rastatt, 1990, 80p. Kreimeier, Klaus, Die Ufa-Story. ), 111 Meisterwerke des Films. H.R., 'Metropolis', Neue Badische Landeszeitung, 28 August 1927. 1927. Science Fiction, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1991, 298p. it's time we took them seriously', Technology Review, August 1926. (Interview), Film en Televisie, 357, February 1987, 32-3. Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, 64, Summer 1995, 70-81. Sturm, Georges, 'Metropolis. Filmland, Berlin, 3 January 1925. Development of the Film: An Interpretive History, Harcourt, Brace & Section 7. problématique, L'Ouvrier dans le cinéma allemand des annés 20', Revue Belge ', Positif, Nr. 11. George played the role of the Reprinted in Cahiers du Cinéma, 1971; English In de Verenigde Staten en Canada gaan kinderen ‘s avonds met halloween langs de deuren met lampionnen om lekkernijen te vragen. Münich, 1982. America. Freund, Rudolf, 'Zwischen Kunst und Kolportage', Filmspiegel, East See also Dadoun (1984) for a 15, 11 January 1927. [Kaplan 168]. Aula de Cinema, Servei d'Extensio Universitaria, Universitat de Valencia, 1992, Metropolis, Lorrimer, London, 1981, 7. Siclier, J. and A.S. Labarthe, Images de la Science-Fiction, 7e=Art, Softcover (paperback), with 8 illustrations from the film.
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