Disney's live-action 2020 remake of Mulan skipped theaters to stream on Disney Plus, but Tuesday it'll widen outside Disney's streaming service to other venues, like Amazon Video and Vudu. STREAM MULAN NOW ON DISNEY+ WITH PREMIER ACCESS. Honorable and disciplined, Commander Tung leads the battalion of the Emperor’s Imperial Army in which Mulan serves. Subject to terms of … 18+ only. Mit der Neuauflage von Mulan als Live-Action-Spektakel verfilmt Disney seinen Zeichentrick-Klassiker um das chinesische... September könnt ihr „Mulan“ (2020) gegen Aufpreis auf Disney+ schauen, ab 26. 115. ab 10+ "Mulan" erzählt die Geschichte des gleichnamigen Mädchens, dessen Vater in die kaiserliche Armee eingezogen wird, um die einfallenden Mongolen zu bekämpfen. Acclaimed filmmaker Niki Caro brings the epic tale of China’s legendary warrior to life in Disney’s Mulan, in which a fearless young woman risks everything out of love for her family and her country to become one of the greatest warriors China has ever known. Der Disney-Film "Mulan" kommt nach der Corona-bedingten Verschiebung des Starttermins jetzt am 20. Heute ist es soweit: “Mulan“ wird exklusiv beim Streaming … Masquerading as a man, Hua Jun, she is tested every step of the way and must harness her inner-strength and embrace her true potential. Aus dem Hause Disney. Log In. Ultimate Collector’s Edition: 4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™ + Digital. A ferocious leader and formidable foe, Khan is compelled by a personal vendetta, and he will stop at nothing in his quest for revenge. The fearless and spirited eldest daughter of an honored warrior, Mulan is the apple of her father’s eye. As ruler of China, the Emperor issues a decree that one man per household must serve in the Imperial Army and fight the Northern invaders. Streaming for all Disney+ subscribers on December 4. Disney Der neue Disney-Film "Mulan" ist eine Live-Action-Adaption des gleichnamigen Zeichentrick-Hits von 1998. Watch the Mulan (2020) live action feature film December 4 on Disney+. But as the story unfolds, Xianniang learns that she has more in common with her young adversary Mulan than she realizes. Includes Hulu (ad-supported) plan. Mit der Neuauflage von Mulan als Live-Action-Spektakel verfilmt Disney seinen Zeichentrick-Klassiker um das chinesische... Mulan ist der 36. abendfüllende Zeichentrickfilm der Walt-Disney-Studios und erschien im Jahr 1998. ご入会いただくのは「ディズニープラス」と「ディズニーDX」アプリを楽しめるサービスです。, 『トイ・ストーリー4』『リメンバー・ミー』のディズニー&ピクサー最新作、12月25日(金)配信スタート!, 『エピソード6/ジェダイの帰還』のその後を描く「スター・ウォーズ」初の実写ドラマシリーズ、待望のシーズン2が配信中!, ディズニーがグローバルで展開する定額制公式動画配信サービス。ディズニー、ピクサー、マーベル、スター・ウォーズ、ナショナル ジオグラフィックの名作・話題作が見放題。, ディズニープラスのために制作された長編映画やシリーズなど。豊富なディズニープラスオリジナル作品が続々登場。, 劇場話題作からオリジナル作品まで、作品が毎週追加されるので、あなたのお気に入りがきっと見つかります。, 劇場話題作、日本未公開の作品に加えて、懐かしの名作も。繰り返し見たお気に入りの作品と会える。, テレビ、スマホなど、様々なデバイスで最大5台まで登録可能。ダウンロード機能でいつでもどこでも動画を楽しめる。, ユニクロとディズニーの冬の特別企画「MAGIC FOR ALL」ホリデーキャンペーン, ディズニープラス最新情報『マーキュリー・セブンの真実』『サイエンス・フェア 挑戦する未来の科学者たち』本日配信スタート!, 『マンダロリアン』シーズン2 ディズニープラス独占配信記念 スター・ウォーズファン集結!「マンダロリアン 語り場キャンペーン」開催, JUJUの歌声が“魂(ソウル)”を揺さぶる!『ソウルフル・ワールド』日本版エンドソングに「奇跡を望むなら...」ジャズ・アレンジが決定!, 映画館の空気の流れを“見える化”換気は約20分で終了!換気実証実験映像はこちらから. STREAM MULAN NOW ON DISNEY+ WITH PREMIER ACCESS. Regie führte Niki Caro. This film version of Mulan is good, long as you don't compare it to the Disney cartoon 1989 ver. Mulan: Buntes Zeichentrick-Abenteuer-Epos mit Girl- und witziger Drachen-Power. Mit dabei sind Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Jason Scott Lee, Yoson An, Gong Li und Jet Li. Min. When the Emperor mobilizes his troops to fight the onslaught of invaders from the North, she masquerades as a man to take the place of her ailing father under the name Hua Jun, setting her on an adventure that will transform her into a legendary warrior. Es handelt sich um die Realverfilmung des Zeichentrick-Klassikers. Kids and young adults will love this film. 2020 erscheint mit dem Realfilm Mulan eine Neuadaption. Now on Digital, Blu-ray™ & 4K Ultra HD. Get All Three Log In. Digital. Rated: PG-13 Once a fearsome warrior himself, he is committed to crushing the Rouran forces that threaten the security of the empire and its people. Release Date: September 4, 2020. Mulan (Yifei Liu) fällt es schwer, die gesellschaftlichen Gepflogenheiten zu erlernen, die ein Mädchen sich aneignen sollte. Digital. Get All Three for $12.99/month. Er basiert frei auf Motiven der chinesischen Ballade von Hua Mulan. An ally of Böri Khan and the Rouran forces, Xianniang possesses special powers that are invaluable. November gibt’s den Film dann endlich auch auf DVD, Blu-ray und 4K-Blu-ray – mitsamt exklusivem Bonusmaterial wie... September 2020 war der Disney-Blockbuster "Mulan" exklusiv beim Streaming … Ultimate Collector’s Edition: 4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™ + Digital, Multi-Screen Edition: Blu-ray™ + DVD + Digital, Target Exclusive: Filmmaker Gallery Book (4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™+ Digital), Best Buy Exclusive: Collectible Steelbook (4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™+ Digital), Mulan 2020 + Mulan Animated: 2-Movie Collection Blu-ray™ + DVD + Digital, Mulan Animated Ultimate Collector’s Edition: 4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™ + Digital. Böri Khan is the Rouran warrior who commands the Northern Invasion. When the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders, Hua Mulan, the eldest daughter of an honored warrior, steps in to take the place of her ailing father. Mulan: Realverfilmung des Disney-Zeichentrick-Klassikers „Mulan“ von 1998 über ein mutiges Mädchen, das sich als Junge verkleidet, um ihre Heimat zu beschützen. A fellow recruit of Mulan’s, Honghui is handsome, confident and ambitious, and soon becomes one of Mulan’s most important allies. … Mulan stream kostenlos Mulan hd filme Mulan stream kkiste Mulan kinostart Mulan Deutsch Film Mulan Ganzer Film Deutsch Mulan Deutsch kinox Mulan Deutsch Film HD Mulan Deutsch Film online Mulan Deutsch Film voll kostenlos Mulan Kino Deutsch Mulan Deutsch Filmkritik Mulan Deutsch Film ansehen Mulan Deutsch Film herunterladen Mulan Deutsch Film Stream Mulan Deutsch Film Full HD online … Disney tried something thus far unique with Mulan, by basically doing all of the above. Access content from each service separately. Special Features. facebook facebookMessenger whatsapp twitter mail pocket. Those that criticize the film tend to be ones that compare to the cartoon or say it doesn't follow the true Chinese version story line. It is an epic journey that will transform her into an honored warrior and earn her the respect of a grateful nation…and a proud father. Mulan by Another Name; Being Bad; Reflections of Mulan; Music Videos; Ultimate Collector’s Edition: 4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™ + Digital . Offer valid for eligible subs only. Pointer zeigt dir den Trailer. If you wanted to watch the movie in the U.S. you had to both have a … Der Disney-Zeichentrick-Klassiker realverfilmt als Action-reiches Fantasy-Abenteuer im alten China. Updating A Classic; The Original Mulan; Deleted Scenes; And more! Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Niki Caro and starring Liu Yifei as Mulan. Disney released its live-action remake of Mulan on Friday, September 4, on its streaming service, Disney+. August in die deutschen Kinos. He becomes an important figure in Mulan's soldiering life, not only as her commanding officer but as a mentor as well.
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