Once Tower Bridge was open, the majority of foot traffic transferred to using the bridge, there is no toll to pay to use it. [28][29] Before this, the bridge's colour scheme dated from 1977, when it was painted red, white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee. die metallenen Teile der Tower Bridge in den britischen Nationalfarben rot, weiß und blau angestrichen; dieses Farbschema blieb bis heute bestehen.[1]. [63][64], On 3 August 1922, a 13-year-old boy fell off a slipway next to the south side of Tower Bridge. [36] This was to allow structural maintenance work to take place on the timber decking, lifting mechanism and waterproofing the brick arches on the bridge's approaches. [31] The renovation of the four suspension chains was completed in March 2010 using a state-of-the-art coating system requiring up to six different layers of "paint". Jones war der städtische Architekt und auch ein Richter des Komitees, das über die Gestaltung entschied. Die Tower Bridge in der Abenddämmerung vom Südufer aus gesehen. The process failed while a relief watchman was on duty. Um die riesige Konstruktion zu stützen, mussten zwei gewaltige Pfeiler mit einem Gewicht von 70.000 Tonnen im Flussbett versenkt werden. Juni 1886; fünf Bauunternehmen und 432 Arbeiter waren mit dem Bau der Brücke beschäftigt. The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower. Um die Integrität des historischen Bauwerks zu bewahren, hat die City of London Corporation eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 20 mph (32 km/h) verhängt, die mit Kameras überwacht wird. It was fitted with a flywheel having a 9-foot (2.7 m) diameter and weighing 9 tons, and was governed to a speed of 30 rpm. He was placed under arrest upon landing, and discharged from the RAF on medical grounds without the chance to defend himself at a court martial. "[73], On 19 August 1999, Jef Smith, a Freeman of the City of London, drove a flock of two sheep across the bridge. Jahrhunderts machte der stetig anwachsende Verkehr in den Hafengebieten im East End den Bau eines Flussübergangs östlich der London Bridge notwendig. [26] A computer system was installed to control the raising and lowering of the bascules remotely. [75] Fearing for his safety, and that of motorists should he fall, police cordoned off the area, closing the bridge and surrounding roads and causing widespread traffic congestion across the City and east London. [5], Construction started in 1886 and took eight years with five major contractors – Sir John Jackson (foundations), Baron Armstrong (hydraulics), William Webster, Sir H.H. [58], Tower Bridge is often mistaken for the next bridge upstream, London Bridge. [5], Barry designed a bridge with two bridge towers built on piers. A man jumped into the Thames to save him, but both were pulled under a barge by Butler's Wharf and drowned. In foggy weather, a gong was sounded as well. 30 classical musicians were arranged along the length of the bridge 138 feet (42 m) above the Thames behind the Olympic rings. Eine traditionelle feste Brücke kam nicht in Frage, weil sonst der Zugang zu den damals noch bestehenden, city-nahen Hafenanlagen zwischen der London Bridge und dem Tower of London abgeschnitten worden wäre. [3] More than fifty designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette, which was rejected because of a lack of sufficient headroom. Man kann deshalb den Fluss auch bei hochgeklappter Brücke zu Fuß überqueren – jedoch um den Preis, dass man die in den Türmen liegenden Treppen mit einem Höhenunterschied von 34 m zur Straßenbrücke benutzt. Tower Bridge Öffnungszeiten, Eintritt und Co Die Brücke liegt an der Tower Bridge Rd, London SE1 2UP Die U-Bahn Station “Tower Hill” (Circle Line) ist am nächsten dran. Die damit abrufbare Leistung wurde so effizient in mechanische Arbeit umgesetzt, dass die Fahrbahnen in zwei Minuten hochgeklappt werden konnten – eine technische Meisterleistung des ausgehenden 19. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, built between 1886 and 1894. Diese diente, nach einer kurzen Betriebsphase als U-Bahn-Röhre, dann aber lediglich als Tunnel für Fußgänger. am 3. [8] The first stone was laid by Albert, Prince of Wales. Die Tower Bridge ist eine im neugotischen Stil errichtete Klappbrücke und die östlichste Themsebrücke in London. 1977 wurden zur Feier des silbernen Thronjubiläums von Elisabeth II. The bascules are raised about a thousand times a year. Über die Brücke führt die Hauptstraße A 100. A camera system measures the speed of traffic crossing the bridge, using a number plate recognition system to send fixed penalty charges to speeding drivers. Die oberen Stege für die Fußgängerverbindung sind unbeweglich. It was open to pedestrians for all but three weekends, when a free ferry service was in operation. Die zahlreichen Ausflugsschiffe, die auf der Themse verkehren, sind klein genug, um auch bei geschlossener Brücke unter der Fahrbahn hindurch zu fahren. Oil is now used in place of water as the hydraulic fluid. [8], Vessels passing through the bridge were required to display signals. [8], Some of the control mechanism for the signalling equipment has been preserved and is housed in the bridge's museum. [25], The exhibition charges an admission fee. Erreicht werden kann die Tower Bridge dabei über die Hauptstraße A 100, die die Stadtteile Southwark und Borough of Southwark miteinander verbindet. Ihren Namen hat die Brücke übrigens nicht wegen ihrer zwei Türme, sondern ist nach dem benachbarten Tower of London benannt. Das Öffnen und Schließen der Baskülen erfolgt durch ein – ursprünglich auf Wasserdruck basierendes – hydraulisches System. Wer möchte kann auf den Nordturm steigen und von dort über einen der Fußgängerstege hinüber zum Südturm laufen. [78], For the bridge in Sacramento, California, see. [2][4] Sir John Wolfe Barry was appointed engineer and Sir Horace Jones the architect (who was also one of the judges). [2], A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution. The accumulators each comprise a 20-inch (51 cm) ram on which sits a very heavy weight to maintain the desired pressure. Gunter was given £10 (equivalent to £290 in 2019[12]) by the City Corporation to honour his act of bravery. [50], To maintain the integrity of the structure, the City of London Corporation has imposed a 20-mile-per-hour (32 km/h) speed restriction, and an 18-tonne (20-short-ton) weight limit on vehicles using the bridge. Die Fußgängerstege hoch über dem Wasser beherbergen ein Brückenmuseum, in dem in Bildern und Modellen Bau und Geschichte der Brücke dargestellt werden. Die Fußgängerbrücken hatten schon bald den Ruf, Anziehungspunkt für Prostituierte und Taschendiebe zu sein und wurden 1910 geschlossen. 1974 wurde das hydraulische System von Wasser- auf Ölhydraulik umgestellt, die mit elektrisch angetriebenen Pumpen arbeitet; das alte Maschinenhaus mit den außer Betrieb genommenen Dampfmaschinen kann weiterhin besichtigt werden. Der Tower of London. Die Themse wird im Bereich des Stadtgebietes im Wesentlichen nur noch touristisch genutzt. It specified the opening span must give a clear width of 200 feet (61 m) and a headroom of 135 feet (41 m). By day, a black ball at least 2 feet (0.61 m) in diameter was to be mounted high up where it could be seen; by night, two red lights in the same position. It is the only one of the trust's bridges not to connect the City of London directly to the Southwark bank, as its northern landfall is in Tower Hamlets. Die offizielle Eröffnung fand am 30. 31° 22′ 24″ N, 120° 36′ 42″ O31.373458120.611643 Er steht 9145 km entfernt von seinem Vorbild und hat keinen Hebemechanismus, dafür vier Türme, die für Gehwege geöffnet sind. [47], To control the passage of river traffic through the bridge, a number of different rules and signals were employed. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become a world-famous symbol of London. Für die Türme und die Fußgängerbrücken waren über 11.000 Tonnen Stahl notwendig. Unimpressed that senior staff were not going to celebrate the RAF's 50th birthday with a fly-past, the pilot flew at low altitude down the Thames without authorisation, past the Houses of Parliament, and continued on towards the bridge. Der Tower of London ist eine historische Festung am Ufer der Themse im Zentrum der Stadt, nur wenige Meter von der Tower Bridge entfernt. [2] He was exercising a claimed ancient permission, granted as a right to Freemen, to make a point about the powers of older citizens and the way in which their rights were being eroded. [51], A second system monitors other vehicle parameters. The engine became redundant when the rest of the system was modernised in 1974, and was donated to the Forncett Industrial Steam Museum by the Corporation of the City of London. Der Tower of London ist eine der bekanntesten Festungen der Welt und ist seit 1988 Teil des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. [18], The southern section of the bridge, in the London Borough of Southwark, was Grade I listed on 6 December 1949. The new system provides for both feature and atmospheric lighting, the latter using bespoke RGB LED luminaires, designed to be concealed within the bridge superstructure and fixed without the need for drilling (these requirements as a result of the bridge's Grade I status). [56], Benjamin Crisler, the New York Times film critic, wrote in 1938: "Three unique and valuable institutions the British have that we in America have not: Magna Carta, the Tower Bridge and Alfred Hitchcock. In Ausnahmefällen wird die Brücke auch für kleinere Schiffe voll geöffnet: Dies geschieht aus zeremoniellen Gründen und gilt als ganz besondere Ehre. [39] The bascules, weighing over 1,000 tons each, are counterbalanced to minimise the force required and allow raising in five minutes. The gas lighting was initially by open-flame burners within the lanterns, but was soon updated to the later incandescent system. Jubiläum der Gründung, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Royal Air Force unter Beweis stellen und gleichzeitig gegen die Regierung unter Premierminister Harold Wilson protestieren. The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians, whereas the bridge's twin towers, high-level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition, for which an admission charge is made. A design was not approved until 1884, when it was decided to build a bascule bridge. Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, built between 1886 and 1894.The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become a world-famous symbol of London. Das Projekt befindet sich in Tower Hamlets und Southwark, London, England, Großbritannien. Juni 1894 durch den damaligen Fürsten von Wales (den späteren König Eduard VII.) Horace Jones starb 1887, und die Verantwortung ging an seinen Oberingenieur John Wolfe-Barry über. The bridge opening split the motorcade in two, much to the consternation of security staff. [5][13] An Act of parliament stipulated that a tug boat should be on station to assist vessels in danger when crossing the bridge, a requirement that remained in place until the 1960s. Die Fußgängerstege spannen die Türme oben zusammen und leiten die horizontalen Zugkräfte der Hängebrücken-Seilpaare weiter. [40], The two side-spans are suspension bridges, each 270 feet (82 m) long, with the suspension rods anchored both at the abutments and through rods contained within the bridge's upper walkways. Die Fahrbahn zwischen den 61 Meter voneinander entfernten Türmen liegt neun Meter über dem Fluss Themse. [27] The bridge is on the London Inner Ring Road, and is on the eastern boundary of the London congestion charge zone (drivers do not incur the charge by crossing the bridge). [9] More than 11,000 long tons (12,320 short tons; 11,177 t) of steel were used in the framework for the towers and walkways, which were then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone, to protect the underlying steelwork. From the south tower, visitors can visit the engine rooms, with the original steam engines, which are situated in a separate building beside the southern approach to the bridge. Der Bau der Tower Bridge in London begann 1881 nach Entwürfen von Sir Horace Jones. Die Bauarbeiten begannen mit der Grundsteinlegung am 21. As a result, it is sometimes confused with London Bridge, about half a mile (0.8 km) upstream. [15][17], During the Second World War and as a precaution against the existing engines being damaged by enemy action, a third engine was installed in 1942: a 150 hp horizontal cross-compound engine, built by Vickers Armstrong Ltd. at their Elswick works in Newcastle upon Tyne. Die volle Öffnung (86°) ist heute nur noch für große Kreuzfahrtschiffe erforderlich. [5][6] An Act of Parliament was passed in 1885 authorising the bridge's construction. The Tower Bridge Exhibition is a display housed in the bridge's twin towers, the high-level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms. 2014 erhielt eine Fußgängerbrücke einen Bereich mit Glasboden, von dem aus man 42 Meter in die Tiefe blickt. 1 Squadron made an unauthorised flight though Tower Bridge. Induction loops and piezoelectric sensors are used to measure the weight, the height of the chassis above ground level, and the number of axles of each vehicle.[51]. [8] Until the bridge was opened, the Tower Subway – 400 m to the west – was the shortest way to cross the river from Tower Hill to Tooley Street in Southwark. The sound travelled backwards and forwards along the walkway, echoing the structure of the bridge. Tower Bridge ist ein(e) Klappbrücke / Wippbrücke, Straßenbrücke und Stahlbrücke, erbaut von 1886 bis 1894. Tower Bridge is one of five London bridges owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates, a charitable trust overseen by the City of London Corporation. There were no serious injuries. [76][77], On 11 May 2009, six people were trapped and injured after a lift fell 10 feet (3 m) inside the north tower. Die Tower Bridge ist eine Straßenbrücke über den Fluss Themse in London und benannt nach dem nahen Tower of London. [66][67], On 5 April 1968, a Royal Air Force Hawker Hunter FGA.9 jet fighter from No. At night, coloured lights were used, in either direction, on both piers: two red lights to show that the bridge was closed, and two green to show that it was open. [1] The nearest National Rail stations are at Fenchurch Street and London Bridge. In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Foggy weather required repeated blasts from the ship's steam whistle. [28][29] Each section was enshrouded in scaffolding and plastic sheeting to prevent the old paint falling into the Thames and causing pollution. The bus was near the edge of the south bascule when it started to rise; driver Albert Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate, clearing a 3-foot (0.91 m) gap to drop 6 feet (1.8 m) onto the north bascule, which had not yet started to rise.
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