theater am hechtplatz email

Newsletter. The culture of plays, dramas and other acts of entertainment are showcased in this small theater that features Swiss cabaret, clowns and children's plays mainly. Jetzt Anmelden. Come along to Bellevue at the heart of Zurich, where you find the Theater am Hechtplatz close by. Besides these there are also chanson singers and pantomimes that perform regularly. Au Theater am Hechtplatz, près de la Place Bellevue, au cœur de Zurich, préparez-vous à une bonne dose de rire. Description; Map; The small theater seats 260 and focuses primarily on Swiss cabaret. Di – Sa, 16 – 19 Uhr. Music event in Zürich, Switzerland by Sina on Saturday, January 2 2021 Theater, dramas and plays were a means of entertainment before the television sets. [email protected] Zurich gare centrale ... Theater am Hechtplatz – Le petit théâtre au cœur de Zurich. So come and get entertained in the Theater am Hechtplatz. The Theater am Hechtplatz is a theatre in the German-speaking Switzerland situated at Limmatquai in Zürich. From How To Guides to expat friendly Businesses and Events. Comedies are also performed here and singer-songwriters, pantomimes and clowns regularly appear on stage. The Zürcher Märchenbühne (fairytale platform) also found a home here over 50 years ago - constantly offering new children's plays for younger spectators. The small theater seats 260 and focuses primarily on Swiss cabaret. Comedies are also performed here and singer-songwriters, pantomimes and clowns regularly appear … Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter und profitieren Sie von Aktionen und Freikarten! WhatsApp Email Web design Message Icon, Whatsapp, WhatsApp logo free png size: 1012x1024px filesize: 169.31KB Everything you need to know about living in, or moving to another country, in English. Description; Carte; Ce petit théâtre comptant 260 places se consacre principalement à l'art populaire suisse. Theater am Hechtplatz Hechtplatz 7 8001 Zürich. Zusätzlich von Oktober bis März: Mi & Sa, 11 – 14 Uhr Tages-/Abendkasse: 1 Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn. History. Founded in 1959 as a Cabaret, it's owned and provided by the government of the city of Zürich. There are lots of reasons for laughter at the Theater am Hechtplatz. Vorverkauf.

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